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None Shall Pass Bombs

Minnesota Feats

Carrie returns from Grand Prix Minneapolis with a Sealed masterpiece from the Sunday PTQ. See how to win without broken rares.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Lessons from Kyoto

Carrie reflects on some key moments from the coverage of Pro Tour Hour of Devastation in Kyoto last weekend.

The Magic Minute

July 17th, 2017—The Promo Card Shakeup

A look at the Standard metagame from the SCG Open this weekend, plus changes to the FNM foil promo cards.

Preview Season

Top Eight Standard Spoilers

Carrie breaks down the top eight spoiled Hour of Devastation cards for Standard.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Drawing Live

The New Negator on the Block

It’s not often that we see a 5/5 for three mana. However, Amonkhet block just got its third one, and Ammit Eternal is really hard to evaluate. Here’s why!

Drawing Live

The Problem with Tinkers

Know what the *real* problem with Standard is? Tinker, the card that’s restricted in Vintage and banned everywhere else.

Zero to Thirty

Secret Mage

Anthony breaks down how to take Secret Mage to the top of the Hearthstone ladder.

Drawing Live

Magnificent Modern

The past weekend featured three major Modern tournaments with three thoroughly diverse top eights. Just how awesome is Modern and why might it be growing at Standard’s expense? Find out here!

What We Learned

Why is Standard the Standard Format?

Standard is highlighted as the exclusive format of the Pro Tour and is heavily featured in non-Pro Tour events as well, but why is that the case?

Breaking News

Felidar Guardian Banned in Standard Effective April 28th, 2017

Wizards announced the banning of Felidar Guardian after accumulating data from Magic Online about the Standard environment with Amonkhet.

Brew Corner

Converge from Standard to Modern and Legacy

This week Aaron takes on the critics and goes deep on Converge with Cascading Cataracts.