David McCoy

Chief Technology Officer


The Magic Minute

Wizards Responds to Bullying and Harassment in the Magic Community

Wizards finally released a statement about bullying and harassment in the Magic community.

The Magic Minute

Rivals of Ixalan’s Geocaching Game Will Impact How Ixalan’s Story Ends

Rivals of Ixalan will feature a geocaching game like Ixalan.

The Magic Minute

Christine Sprankle Leaves Magic Due to Targeted Harassment and Abuse

News broke last Friday that popular cosplayer Christine Sprankle was leaving Magic.

Talking Points

Rich vs. GP Portland

Rich discusses GP Portland and looks ahead to GP Lyon and the World Magic Cup.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Magic Minute

A Magical Black Friday: Treasure Chest Packs and Explorers of Ixalan

Plus, Unstable’s full spoiler!

The Magic Minute

The MTG Arena Closed Beta Starts December 4th

Wizards of the Coast announced that the MTG Arena Closed Beta will officially begin on Monday, 12/4.

The Magic Minute

Wizards Accidentally Spoiled the Immortal Sun

Wizards’ Brazilian Twitter account accidentally tweeted Rivals of Ixalan card images. Whoops!

The Magic Minute

Unstable Will Have a Story, a Planeswalker, and Full-Art Tokens

Unstable’s preview week has been packed with firsts.

The Magic Minute

Wizkids Announces Magic Miniatures and Board Game

Wizkids, makers of Heroclix and Dice Masters, announced new Magic miniatures and a board game.

Talking Points

Rich vs. Pro Tour Ixalan

Albuquerque and American Airlines; Pro Tour Ixalan’s Day 1, 2, and Top 8; disqualifications at the PT; and this weekend’s GPs.

The Magic Minute

Magic’s Black Friday Promotion: Ixalan Treasure Packs

Yesterday, Wizards of the Coast announced their very first Black Friday promotion.