Zach Barash


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Gleaning from Three Masters 25 Commons

Dark Ritual, Pillage, and Balduvian Horde are all in Masters 25. What do they all have in common? What do they say about Masters 25 Limited? Find out here!

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Sculpting New Horizons

Jace is back in Modern, and so is Zach. Today, we’ll consider why Jace is such a culturally significant card and how it can affect both Modern and its player base.

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The Feeling of Hopelessness

This week, Zach delves into the worst feeling Magic: hopelessness. Why have been games felt hopeless, how is RoI culpable, and is this likely to change in the future?

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All Large Set Limited

Large set Limited will soon be the only way to draft. This should be cause for unconstrained rejoicing. Zach’s not so sure, but he explains why you should be cautiously optimistic.

Card Kingdom

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Heuristics of Magic and Life

As the biggest GDS3 cut hits home, it’s time to remember some important tricks for dealing with hope, anxiety, triumph, and loss.

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Great Designer Training: Welcome to GDS3!

The Great Designer Search 3 is here and we’re here to finish Great Designer Training with a bang. Here are all the answers you’ve been waiting for. Good luck this week!

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Great Designer Training: The Final Round

After six long weeks, we’ve reached the final Great Designer Training assignments. We’ve got one more week to prepare for GDS3, so let’s get cracking!

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Great Designer Training: TWO WEEKS TO GO!

As Rivals of Ixalan nears, so does the Great Designer Search. This is the penultimate Great Designer Training, where we get YOU ready for GDS3!

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Great Designer Training: Holiday Design Critique

Great Designer Training is back with the biggest design critique you’ll ever see here! Seriously, if you’re hankering for custom card critique, look no further!

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Great Designer Training: Holiday Edition

The fourth Great Designer Training is back! We’ve got even more challenges to get you ready for the Great Designer Search!

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Great Designer Training: Design Critique

Hundreds of custom cards were submitted for for week two of Great Designer Training. Here’s a select bunch of them with commentary.