Zach Barash


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Orzhov Racketeers, or the Problem with Afterlife

The Orzhov have a less than exciting uncommon 3/2 Headhunter for five. Today, we’ll find out why it might be a whole lot better than it looks.

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Dovin, the Awesome Oddball

What’s a thopter maker like you doing in a place like this?

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The Mechanics of Ravnica Allegiance

All five Ravnica Allegiance mechanics are spoiled, which means it’s time to investigate and critique them.

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Design of a Card: Lavinia, Azorius Renegade

Lavinia has gone from Arrester to Renegade, and her card’s design provides a wealth of information!

Card Kingdom

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Report Card: Guilds of Ravnica

The final report card for Guilds of Ravnica design in here.

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A Fitting End to Masters

Ultimate Masters releases this week. Zach’s back from the PAX Unplugged prerelease with the first verdict on the Limited format.

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The Archetypes of Ultimate Masters

Ultimate Masters prerelease is this weekend at PAX Unplugged! To get ready, here’s our full Limited guide!

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Report Card: Guilds of Ravnica Limited

The Guilds of Ravnica report card continues with the big one: a complete review of the Limited environment.

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Report Card: Guilds of Ravnica Mechanics

In the first of this three part Report Card review of Guilds of Ravnica, Zach dives into all five mechanics. Some are truly spectacular, while others, well, you’ll see.

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The Ultimate Masters Set

Get the ultimate first review of Ultimate Masters.

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Who is Mythic Edition For?

Zach goes over the Planeswalkers in Mythic Edition and how the product might not be what it purports to be.