Drawing Live

Removal, At What Cost?

Kaladesh is out! How does its removal match up against other sets? Is Malfunction as good as Sleep Paralysis or Oblivion Strike? Find out here!

The Kitchen Sink

Does Kaladesh seem fast for you? Did flood seem worse this weekend? That makes sense: Zach’s here to explain the importance and lack of Kaladeshi mana sinks!

The First Vehicles

Vehicles have been a part of Magic since Arabian Nights. Now that they’re official, let’s celebrate them by seeing how far they’ve come since Flying Carpet.

Masterpiece Theater

Zendikar Expeditions are here to stay, in the Masterpiece Series! Zach`s here with the likely effects they`ll have on Standard, Limited, and Magic in general.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.


Zach responds to the never-ending summer of Magic announcements.

Making a Magic Online Cube, Part 2

Ready to submit your design to You Make the Cube? Here’s everything you need to know about perfecting your cube.

Making a Magic Online Cube, Part 1

Do you want to win the official Magic Online “You Make the Cube” contest? Zach’s here to help.

Updating Horror Delver

Modern Horror Delver is back from its first tournament and ready to transform to its other side: Horror Moon.

Modern Horror Delver

Bedlam Reveler might just be the new Treasure Cruise, and here’s a horrifying Modern deck to slot it into.

The Next Level in Sight

After a 20th place finish at GP Montreal, Zach finally sees the next level in Magic.

No One Deserves to Win

Mistakes are our greatest teachers. Too many people make a mistake and say, “I deserve to lose.” Let’s eliminate that phrase from our vernacular.