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None Shall Pass Bombs

Deck, Interrupted

Carrie is feeling a disconnect from MTGO.

Ensnaring Cambridge

M15 Draft #3 (Video)

Shawn passes Triplicate Spirits and first picks Sliver Hive. Can he amass a winning record with a sliver army? Watch to find out.

Ensnaring Cambridge

M15 Draft #2 (Video)

Shawn plays through a M15 Swiss queue on MTGO to familiarize himself with the format. Does his prediction of a 2-1 deck hold up?

Ensnaring Cambridge

M15 Draft #1 (Video)

Shawn plays through a M15 draft online for the first time with the new client.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Hope Eternal

Understand the Stream Is Over

Last night was the last stream Tim will get to host on our beloved Windows-98-looking V3 of MTGO. With that in mind, here’s one last set of stream recaps.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Farewell MTGO v3

Carrie says goodbye to MTGO version 3 with two sweet draft decks, one Vintage Masters and one Theros.

What We Learned

Magic’s Boondock Saints

This week we look at the growing indifference towards including women in the community, and why that form of misogyny is not acceptable.

Ensnaring Cambridge

Vintage Masters Draft #2 (Video)

Shawn forces RW Slide in Vintage Masters and never sees Astral Slide or Lightning Rift. Can this draft be salvaged? Watch to find out.

Ensnaring Cambridge

Vintage Masters Draft Video

Shawn forces himself to stay open and not play storm in a Vintage Masters Draft. Stay tuned for a totally reasonable Draft.

What We Learned

Foil Vintage Masters Black Lotus

Ever wonder how much money a hypothetical foil Black Lotus would cost? Thanks to Vintage Masters we now have the answer!


Going Over to the Dark Side

It’s time to get ready for the Pro Tour! Hunter invests in Standard’s tier one decks on Magic Online.