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Grinding It Out

Born of the Gods Instants

Monique is back once again with this nifty (and printable) list of Born of the Gods Instants!

Drawing Live

Theros Impressed

Zach’s back from his first prerelease and he’s learned some lessons about the format… and about Vaporkin.

Grinding It Out

“To Be [Competitive], or Not to Be”

It’s easy for me to enter any event with my competitive mentality turned all the way up. So at this past weekend’s M14 prerelease, I decided to try to turn it down a notch.

Power and Toughness

Magic: The Whatever, Tarantino Edition

It is no secret that I’m breaking up with Magic: The Gathering.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.


Four Colors FTW at the DGM Prerelease

The Dragon’s Maze prerelease this past weekend at Twenty Sided Store was pretty dope. I played in the Saturday 3pm […]

Hope Eternal

I Beat Tajic

This is a prerelease story. I signed up for Golgari going into it. This was half preference and half strategy: […]

Grinding It Out

Like a Kid on Christmas Morning

By Monique Garraud 9:17 a.m.—The alignment of my circadian rhythm is nice to experience during the week, but awful when […]

Hope Eternal

Fighting Burnout, Cracking Eggs

The week or two before a new set hits is always awkward. You’ve got the full spoiler out, but no […]


Extorting Fools for Their Lunch Money at the Gatecrash Prerelease

Prerelease weekend! Is there anything better? When I first got back into the game seven years ago, around the time […]

Power and Toughness

Gatecrash Prerelease, Modern Shake-Ups, and a GoPro

It’s an odd week to write about Magic: The Gathering if one is hoping to be a creative voice in […]