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Pay Attention Class

Comparing Ladder to HCT

Zac hits Legend. He and Richard talk about Zoolock and how playing fast decks high on the ladder is smart for getting in reps.

Pay Attention Class

Tempo Mage and Star Aligner Druid

Richard is back! Zac Talks about a stunning run with TempoMage and we look at HSReplay as a resource for determining what deck to play in the current meta.

Grinding It Out

Evaluating Odd Control Warrior in Boomsday Ladder

Billy joins the team at Hipsters of the Coast to talk Hearthstone in the Boomsday meta and focuses on how well he’s managed with Odd Control Warrior so far

Pay Attention Class

Bad Puns and Grumble Grumble w/ Joe Stempo

Zac (durdlemagus) recruits Joe Stempo (Richard is on vacation this week) to talk about Brawliseum, HCT Buenos Aires, the rise and fall of good King Togwaggle and what we’re playing with success this week on the ladder.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Pay Attention Class

Is Kobold Way

Richard (LooseBuce) and Zac (Durdlemagus) talk Togwaggle, The TempoStorm Tier List, and HCT Germany! They make early choices for Cards to Dust and Cards to Craft in week 1 of the meta.

Pay Attention Class

Boomsday Spoilers Review, Part 2

Zac and Richard look over the rest of the Spoiled cards for Boomsday Project. What’s Good? What’s iffy? What’s dust?

Pay Attention Class

Boomsday Spoiler Review, Part I

Zac and Richard look over the all the Spoiled cards for Boomsday Project and see what fits where and what new decks we might see.

Pay Attention Class

Evenlock Deck Tech

Zac (durdlemagus) and Richard (loosebuce) breackdown Even Warlock. Looking at the deck’s match ups and the tricks we use when playing with and against this deck.

Pay Attention Class

ShudderWock Shaman w/ Juan Pablo Llodra

Richard (LooseBuce) and Zac (Durdlemagus) invite recent Hearthstone Legend player Juan Pablo Llodra on for his take on Shudderwock shaman, his tips for making Legend and a glimpse at some of the decks match-ups

Pay Attention Class

Token Druid Deck Tech

Zac (durdlemagus) joins Richard (looseBuce) in a highly enlightening discussion about Token Druid. Zac talks about the decks fall from grace and what it needs to come back into vogue.

Pay Attention Class

Big Spell Mage DeckTech

Zac (Durdlemagus) and Richard (Loosebuce) deconstruct Big Spell Mage. A focus on the deck’s good/bad match ups and the insights we use when playing with and against this deck.