

Rob goes over his top picks from Wizards latest casual offering: Battlebond!

Access and Accessibility

Rob takes an anthropological look at how cultures handle those among them who need help the most, and how it applies to Magic’s many diverse cultures as well.

Lich-Craft Part One: Infatuation

Rob shares the beginnings of his journey to playing Lich decks.

Extinctive Behavior

Rob explores the relationship between Dominaria’s past extinction events and our own.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Lok’ed Down

Who doesn’t love a good villain like Belzenlok? In fact, they’re essential to the story, but are they essential to our lives?


Rob digs the storytelling represented in the mechanics of the new Saga mechanic from Dominaria.

King of Infinite Space

Rob praises the efficiency of communication on Masters 25 and Dominaria cards.

Schools Out

How Magic’s Planeswalkers fit into the schools of Magic.

Budget Reform

Rob explores pauper and budget Magic brews of his own design.

Dying Dreams

Rob looks at the role of consumerism in gaming culture through the lens of Wizards of the Coast’s decade-old failed miniatures game: Dreamblade.

Champion of the Cherished

Rob discusses the powerful stories that Magic cards like Cherished Hatchling can tell.