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Hipsters Presents

Top 10 Eternal Reprints that Will Break Modern

You’ll never guess number six!


Last Pick: 2018 Year in Review

My ends are my beginnings.


Cartomancy 101: What We Can Divine from Ultimate Masters

Looking for answers in all the wrong places.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Perusing the Ultimate Masters Reprints

Carrie runs down some notable Ultimate Masters reprints.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

None Shall Pass Bombs

Top Eight Ultimate Masters Reprints

What are the most exciting Ultimate Masters reprints spoiled so far?

Drawing Live

The Designs of Guilds of Ravnica

Why has Skyknight Legionnaire been printed in every Ravnica block? Zach answers this and more in a deep dive into Guilds of Ravnica design.


Modern Art

Rob petitions to add his favorite grindy control cards to Modern.

Hope Eternal

Reserved List—The Facts

Kate lays out the facts surrounding the Reserve List

Hope Eternal

Modern Delights

Kate can’t believe how many great Modern and Legacy reprints you can get in Modern Masters 2017.

Hope Eternal

Eternal Masters Realizations

This week Kate talks about how she feels about Eternal Masters now that spoilers are out.

Hope Eternal

Eternal Masters Hopes

This week Kate talks about her hopes and dreams for Eternal Masters before Wizards dashes them across the rocks.