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Breaking News

The Future of CubeCon

CubeCon may look a little different in 2024 as the ownership group splits in two directions. Learn more about what caused the separation.

Casual Black Magic

Unexploitable Cube Drafting

Sam spent the weekend at CubeCon and shares his thoughts on cube drafting in general, and trying to give better advice than “pick good cards”

Drawing Live

CubeCon Tournament Report

Follow along with all ten of Zach’s drafts at CubeCon!

Drawing Live

How to Draft UMA-Inspired Cube

With CubeCon imminent, we break down the major archetypes of Hipsters’ own UMA-Inspired Cube.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Drawing Live

Preparing for the Unknown

Anxiety and excitement battle it out as a major trip looms.

Drawing Live

Design of a Card: Rise from the Tides

Rise from the Tides isn’t as strong as Spider Spawning or even Seize the Storm, but it’s still an outstanding design.


Unofficial Magic Event CubeCon Announced for May 23-25, 2020

Celebrate all things Cube in Madison, Wisconsin this May.