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Magical Hack
How to Assess Potential Cube Cards, Featuring Woe Strider
January 10, 2020
6 min to read
Use these principles to evaluate new cards to add to your cube during spoiler season.
Magical Hack
Aesthetics in Magic: Counterspell
January 2, 2020
4 min to read
The aesthetic of Counterspell and the color Blue define how we play Magic.
Magical Hack
MTGO Holiday Cube: Where’s the Beatdown?
December 19, 2019
8 min to read
Red cube decks have been seriously wounded, but their soul still burns.
Magical Hack
Losing, Listening, and Learning
December 11, 2019
6 min to read
Some reflections on the iterative process of cube design.
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: Multicolor & Colorless
December 4, 2019
13 min to read
This is the way the reviews end, not with a bang but a whimper.
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: Green
November 27, 2019
12 min to read
Ohran Viper has two new rivals.
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: Red
November 20, 2019
10 min to read
Throne of Eldraine gave red nice new options for cube owners.
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: Black
November 13, 2019
9 min to read
Have we found the two drop we’ve always been looking for?
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: Blue
November 6, 2019
8 min to read
The most important color in Cube has plenty of new toys from Throne of Eldraine.
Magical Hack
Throne of Eldraine Cube Review: White
October 30, 2019
7 min to read
Magic’s newest expansion has a lot of cool additions for your cube!
Drawing Live
Ribbons of Night Rocks!
August 28, 2018
5 min to read
Some folks have pet cube cards, and for Zach, it’s Ribbons of Night. It’s not good enough for Legacy Cube, but in the right place, it can be just perfect.