None Shall Pass Bombs

Khans Top Ten

Carrie breaks down her top ten Khans of Tarkir limited cards.

Multi Format All Stars

Carrie explores what makes a limited all star into a constructed powerhouse.

Thanks for All the Fish

Carrie gives thanks to the wonderful Brooklyn Magic community as she leaves for new adventures in the Mile High city.


Carrie faces the changing terrain of life, casts Scapeshift in response.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Trail of Mystery

Carrie breaks down one of the more exciting Khans of Tarkir draft archetypes—Trail of Mystery!

I Won a PTQ!

Carrie won a Khans limited PTQ! Read all about it!

Khans Sealed Deck Primer

Carrie breaks down how she builds a Khans sealed deck.

Khans Debate Society

Carrie looks at the divergent opinions on how to draft Khans of Tarkir.

Grand Prix Orlando, Part Two

Carrie reports from the day two draft tables at Grand Prix Orlando.

Grand Prix Orlando, Part One

Carrie reports from Grand Prix Orlando, where she battled for 15 rounds of Khans of Tarkir limited.

Khans Gets Better

Carrie comes around on Khans limited and provides early insight into the format.