None Shall Pass Bombs

Abzan, Choice, and Fun

Carrie ponders why she isn’t having fun while playing Khans of Tarkir limited.

Early Picks from Khans of Tarkir

Carrie picks out some commons to play at the Khans of Tarkir pre-release.

Grand Prix Salt Lake City

Carrie reports from Grand Prix Salt Lake City.

Sealed in the Time of Cholera

Carrie shows how to make a winning sealed deck out of mediocre parts.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Deck, Interrupted

Carrie is feeling a disconnect from MTGO.

M15 Sealed Primer

Carrie examines M15 sealed for upcoming Grand Prix and PTQs.

Tactical Advantage

Carrie explores tactical advantage, a key principle for winning games of Magic.

Slow Down, M15

Carrie explains how M15 draft is not as fast as people originally thought.

Blue Green in M15

Carrie shares hier experience with a powerful blue-green control in M15 draft.

Hello Magic 2015

Carrie says hello to Magic 2015 drafting.

Farewell MTGO v3

Carrie says goodbye to MTGO version 3 with two sweet draft decks, one Vintage Masters and one Theros.