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Eternal Durdles

It’s a Conspiracy!

Zac Clark and Nathan Golia remind you, sometimes it’s better to just buy the cards you want.

Eternal Durdles

EMA w/ Nathan Golia

Zac debuts the Eternal Durdles podcast!

Doomed Travelers

Where Are They Now? Dragons of Tarkir Edition

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the timeline-shifted cards from Dragons of Tarkir.

Doomed Travelers

Magic Duels Origins

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming release of Magic Duels Origins, the newest Duels of the Planeswalkers video game.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Doomed Travelers

The Anatomy Of A Siege Rhino

Join the Doomed Travelers as they dive deep into the process Wizard’s R&D might have used to develop Siege Rhino before it was printed in Khans of Tarkir!

Doomed Travelers

Tempest Remastered and Digital Magic

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming digital-only Tempest Remastered release and what it means for the future of digital Magic.

Doomed Travelers

Don’t Google FTV: Angels

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming From the Vault: Angels release.

Doomed Travelers

The Modern Format

Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the health of the Modern format…all while playing Destiny!

Doomed Travelers


Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the end of the PTQ era and the start of the second PPTQ season…all while playing Destiny!

Doomed Travelers

Pro Tour Fate Reforged Recap

Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the results of Pro Tour Fate Reforged, as well as the announcement of Magic Origins and the updates to the World Championships!

On the Stack


In this episode the panel discusses the recent history of NYC Magic since 2011.