Rich Stein

Chief Hipster


What We Learned

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Elitism is literally killing Magic and this week we will talk about why its a problem and what needs to be done to fix it.

What We Learned

Why is Chandra White?

Welcome to Kaladesh where the Indian villagers are poor and helpless while the White folk are both oppressor and savior.

What We Learned


When Pascal Maynard drafted a foil Tarmogoyf in the Top 8 draft of Grand Prix Las Vegas he turned the Magic community upside down.

What We Learned

Quality Control

This week we review the litany of quality control issues that have arisen with Modern Masters 2

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

What We Learned

Memorial Day

This week we celebrate Memorial day by paying tribute to the heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect the multiverse.

What We Learned

Cashing Out in Atlantic City

This week I talk about the long process and emotional ride of cashing out my Magic collection

What We Learned

Modern Masters Roulette

Last week Wizards unveiled the entire Modern Masters 2015 set and it looks like you might be better off gambling your $10/pack on something else in Vegas.

What We Learned


Scouting has recently come to the forefront of the collective consciousness of the Magic community. What is it and who’s talking about it?

What We Learned

Inaugural RPTQ Weekend

We take a look at the aftermath of the first ever RPTQ weekend

What We Learned

Video Replay

Should the DCI floor rules be amended to allow for video replay? We take a look at the ongoing debate.

What We Learned

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir

Zac Clark takes over for a week with his guest post covering Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir