Today, Wizards of the Coast revealed that Historic Anthology 2 will come to MTG Arena on March 12, 2020 for 4,000 gems or 25,000 gold and add 25 new cards to the game’s Historic format. Its release will be accompanied by the return of both Best-of-Three and Best-of-One Historic ranked queues and “other special Historic events” like Historic Brawl.

Historic Anthology 2 is packed with powerful cards. The highlights include Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, who just got her own Secret Lair drop that will release alongside Historic Anthology 2, and Pack Rat, which was featured in its own Chinese New Year drop.

Both the price and and the number of included cards in Historic Anthology 2 are an increase from Historic Anthology 1, which was released last November and cost 3,400 gems or 20,000 gold for 20 cards. There’s no word on what the theme of the card selections for Historic Anthology 2 is but Wizards promises more details in the March 5 State of the Game.

Here’s the full list of 25 cards being added to MTG Arena with Historic Anthology 2:









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