Ryan Sainio


Shattered Perceptions

Cards We Stopped Playing in Commander

Ryan asks why old favorites have fallen off the Commander radar.

Shattered Perceptions

Revisiting the Legends of Commander 2015

Experience counters dominate the influence of Commander 2015, but we got some fun new generals in the process.

Shattered Perceptions

Quintorius Spirit Revival

Get a Lorehold of this recursive spirits Commander deck that promises to lower the power level at the table just by showing up.

Shattered Perceptions

Too Many Legends, Part 2

Ryan completes his chronicle of his 2020 pokemon playthrough.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Shattered Perceptions

Too Many Legends

Gotta catch ’em all!

Shattered Perceptions

Deep Analysis—Commander Cards 3

Do not go gentle into the Grip of Phyresis.

Shattered Perceptions

Breeches Goes to Pirate Island

Izzet finally time for a pirate-themed Commander deck?

Shattered Perceptions

Vega, the Watcher: The Future Foretold

Let’s use our opponent’s resources as our own!

Shattered Perceptions

Dollar General Thraximundar

Three-color budget slivers!

Shattered Perceptions

Orvar Lords Over Commander

Orvar, the All-Form attracts Ryan’s love for changelings, tokens, and goofy blue spells.

Shattered Perceptions

Revisiting the Legends of Commander 2014

Ryan continues his tour of the generals from the yearly Commander products, starring five famous planeswalkers and some other fan favorites.