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Scrub Report

Confusing Signals

Our newest Scrub Reporter, Nat, talks drafting Magic Origins, being appropriately gendered, and finding their place in the MTG community.

Scrub Report

The Rabble

Scrub Reporter Kairi fights the clique-y world of competitive magic with Rabble Red, but is it enough to keep her excited about the game?

Scrub Report

The Scrub Report—Reports From the North Part 1

This week we join a new Scrub Reporter, Tyson Leonard, as he details getting into magic as a way to make friends in the cold, harsh northern lands of Canada.

Scrub Report

The Scrub Report—Come Write About Scrubbing

Are you new to Magic? Do you know someone new to Magic? Come write for Scrub Report!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Scrub Report

Just One Touch

Tony reminisces about his mental and emotional battles with the deathtouch ability and finds the path to solace through lessons learned from chess.