Emma Partlow



Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Ultimate Masters Modern Pickups

Emma tells you which Ultimate Masters cards to pick up for your Modern collection.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Teaming Up at Grand Prix Liverpool

Emma walks through her team’s deck choices for Team Unified Modern at Grand Prix Liverpool last weekend.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Grand Prix Atlanta Modern Breakdown

Emma breaks down the Modern results from Grand Prix Atlanta.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Guilds of Ravnica Modern Impact

Emma looks at how Guilds of Ravnica cards have made an impact in Modern.

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Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Modern Pickups Post Rotation

Emma tells you which rotating cards to buy now for your Modern collection.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Stitching Together Vengevine in Modern

Emma breaks down the new hotness in Modern, starring Vengevine and Bridge from Below.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Only Time Will Tell

Emma interviews Zach Allen about his innovative Modern UW Extra Turns deck.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Timely Reinforcements: Sideboarding with White

Emma runs down the powerful white sideboard cards in Modern.

Tower, Mines & Fine Lines

Stirring the Pot: B&R Restrospective

Emma considers the future of the Modern Banned & Restricted list.