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Shattered Perceptions

Oppressive Wills, Part I

Ryan walks through the history of oppressive generals in Commander.

Shattered Perceptions

One Goblin’s Ballot

The Committee to Re-elect Ib Halfheart has a message for fellow goblins about Krenko, Mob Boss.

Shattered Perceptions

Balthor’s Paradox

Ryan explores a different EDH variant, Quantum Commander, with a split-personality general named Balthor.

Shattered Perceptions

Command of Caw Blade

Ryan thought it would be funny to build a Commander deck around Squadron Hawk.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Dear Azami

Becoming the Worst

Dear Azami helps Razaketh, the Foulblooded assemble the most fearsome Commander deck at the table.

Shattered Perceptions

Mimeoplasm Madness

Ryan has a clone of clones deck headlined by The Mimeoplasm.

Shattered Perceptions

Partners Kydele & Tana

Ryan delves into an interesting partnership between Kydele & Tana.

Dear Azami

Ixalan Commander Review, Part I

Levi breaks down the new Legendary creatures from Ixalan and what they do in Commander.

Shattered Perceptions

Runeaxe Giants

Ryan takes a swing of the axe at Jund Giants featuring random old guy Commander Bartel Runeaxe.

Dear Azami

A Fraction of the Colors

Levi asks the unthinkable question—what if your deck plays fewer colors than your commander?

Shattered Perceptions

Commander 2017 Continued

Ryan reviews the rest of the new generals from Commander 2017.