Meet Sean Vance.

Sean Vance is a scumbag. Not the worst of the worst, but a pretty shady person. The type of guy that’ll take your credit card from under your nose then say your friend did it. The type of guy that’ll sell you a used car with punctured tires, then sue you for sabotaging his sale.

He’s also the type to have your back if you show him loyalty. That credit card he stole? It was because your other friend paid him to do it. That used car? It was a favor from his crew mate. If you stay on his good side, he’ll make sure you reap those rewards.

He wasn’t always like this, however.

Sean Vance was born in South Staunton Island in Liberty City. He’s had a long, rich family history of crime, and he never really wanted to follow that same path. He wasn’t squeaky clean, but he wasn’t the worst of the worst either. He did what he had to do to get by, but was never one to be directly violent. When he was in his early twenties, he dipped into the world of street racing. He wasn’t very good at it, but he also played dirty.

He was notorious for running a bit of a shady car shop in Shoreside Vale. Notably, an incident occured where he knowingly rigged someone’s NoS setup in their car, causing them to break down in the middle of a race that he was financially invested in. Things like this would go on for a couple of years, until he finally got in too deep with one of the kingpins of the underground. He had his car shop destroyed and was quickly ousted from the underground racing scene. It couldn’t have come at a worse time either, as he was also in massive debt with long distanced associates based out of Vice City.

He had loose ties to crime bosses from his older Vance family, and while he vowed to live up to his family’s name, it hasn’t been going as well as he had hoped. He talks a lot about how great he was to anyone who will listen, but he really doesn’t have much to show for it. He cares way more about looking good than actually being good.

How he’s survived this long is anyone’s guess…

Age: 38

Hometown: Liberty City

Occupation: Unemployed; Former Car dealer

In 2010, Vance was arrested for stealing his grandparents’ savings after claiming he was bankrupt. His case was dismissed after the grandmother decided against pursuing the case. He never returned the money.

In 2017, after he was ousted from street racing, Vance tried to open up a car inspection business; clearly not for reasons that have anything to do with suspicious activity involving taking money from people. This was quickly caught on by the locals in the city, and word got around very quickly. He closed his business in 2018.

Being over $300,000 in debt, his remaining family all but disowning him, and his godawful street racing “career” burning even further to the ground, Sean Vance is at rock bottom. He made one last call to one of his only friends, Tracy Gireffi, asking him for money for a one way plane ticket to Los Santos to restart his life.

Tracy declined; saying “I’m so sick of you” in the process.

Being over $300,000 in debt, his remaining family all but disowning him, his remaining friend getting sick of him, and his godawful street racing “career” burning even further to the ground, Sean Vance is at rock bottom. He (really this time) made one last call to one of the only family members still talking to him, his first cousin, Dominic Kemp, asking him for money for a one way plane ticket to Los Santos to restart his life.

Dominic declined…

After a while, Sean scrounges up the money and barely makes it to Los Santos, with only his clothes on his back and about 100 grand in the bank.

Wait how does he…?

Sean looks to get his life straight. No more swindling people, no more underhanded money swiping. He wants to do things the right way, in the right city, for the right people. With his vast street racing knowledge (?), and his excellent money management skills (sure), he’s excited to see what this lively and infamous city has to offer.

Personality: Impulsive, charismatic, stubborn, temperamental, sometimes flaky

Hobbies and likes: import cars, smoothies, milkshakes, and crime drama shows

Dislikes: loud people, diet soda, the IRS


I’m very very excited to play this character, and will be starting his journey on the TwitchRP whitelisted server next week. If you happen to catch me on any of the amazing TRP streamers’ channels, let me know!

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