Another Year another batch of New Year’s Resolutions, and Predictions and some odd musings. Each year I look back and survey my last 365 days. The best way to start is to look at what I set out to do last year.

Developments in Durdling—Resolving

Here’s list on my Resolutions from last year. How close did I come?

1. (Magic) 5 top 8s in competitive non FNM magic events this year.

4 Looks like where I bottomed out here. 2 Top 8’s in PPTQs for Dragons of Tarkir Standard, 1 for Modern and A day two (which I counted for this as well). All of these events happened during DTK. The early part of the year saw me on a hot streak in terms of Constructed, and I had my best run in limited as well. It’s good to know that I’m improving my game.  I count the loss of Twenty Sided store as the only reason I wasn’t able to achieve this goal. Since August I haven’t played as much Magic. Location is a limiting factor in that regard. Still 4/5 ain’t too shabby.

2. (Life) Spend more time developing my business.

Indeed this year I did have a nice boom in my Photography Business! I booked a few weddings and spent most of the summer working on my portfolio. WWW.Clarkdarkroom.Com looks pretty good. And I haven’t been on the wrong end of a bar (the part you work from) in over a year! Looks like I definitely got that one!

3. (Magic) Start and maintain a podcast by February.

This one flopped, I’m still pretty sore about it, maybe I’ll start one up again this year.

4. (Life) I’d like to be a better boyfriend.

I’m still in a relationship, I actively played less Magic and spent more time with my girlfriend, but I’m always gonna feel like I’m falling short on this one somehow.It just means I still need to try harder

5. (Magic) Watch more Streams, listen to more Podcasts.

I tried this. I really did. I watch coverage, but man streams are so boring to me. To learn I still prefer the age old, sit down and grind it out method. I have started to listen to a few Magic Podcasts, but again, I haven’t really found anything that feels like much more than a way to pass the time on the subway. I’ll keep working on this.

6. (Life) Start a healthier lifestyle.

Again this is one that I feel like you can never fully check off. I joined the YMCA in October so that’s a good start but I have a new job so I’m working on balancing getting in shape with the new career. Ultimately, I’m gonna have to start waking up a little early and getting in my workouts in the morning. Foodwise, I’ve begun to stop eating out unless I’m in a rush, too tired to cook, or being a good boyfriend and taking my girlfriend out on the town. This year I’m planning on lowering the amount of red meat I take in, but I’m not doing anything drastic, just trying to watch myself early.

7. (Magic) Play one Deck in Modern for a month.

I’m a Twin man, now. Until they remove my combo from Modern I’ll be largely playing Twin. I made a few jaunts over to Storm, because it’s fun to play Magic alone with everyone else watching. Seriously though, I played Twin in almost every tourney this year. I’ll stick to it. This resolution was too easy.

8 (Life/Magic) Figure out how to not be terrible at Solforge.

This was an easy one too. You know the secret to Solforge? PLAY HEARTHSTONE. I love that game, it’s everything MTGO should be but isn’t.


That was all my resolutions from Last year… How did you do?

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