Good news! We want more submissions so we’re extending our team-up contest with Monday Night Magic through next weekend! The 24th is the last day to submit your drawings for  our No, Seriously, You Draw the Card Contest!

Look at the first place prize:

1st Place—A signed print of Fauna Shaman by Steve Prescott and a brand new Hipsters of the Coast t-shirt, a Grand Prix Calgary Playmat, a three packs of Modern Masters!


A reminder: draw whatever the hell you think fits “Revenge of Necromancy” art-wise. Use pen and paper or maybe Microsoft Paint to generate your vision. You could sculpt it or photograph it or paint it or make a diorama and make a Vine video of it – just get it to us by THIS SUNDAY NIGHT!!!

Here’s the description of the scene on the card as Wizards imagines it:

Color: Black

Spell location: A nasty trash heap outside a small settlement

Action: We see a RAG MAN, a hunched and withered humanoid figure who appears to be held together by frayed ropes and worn leather straps. The being is standing triumphantly atop a heap of bones, broken armor and weapons, and other less identifiable trash. It is holding up a skull in one hand; the other hand clutches a filthy sack that is bulging with “treasures.” A glow of purplish power surrounds the Rag Man and the skull.

Focus: The glowing figure

Mood: Creepy yet eco-friendly

A pretty focused description for sure! So just go crazy. Totally ignore Wizards’ description if you wanna. Make whatever you think best illustrates the concept of the card. Draw someone reanimating bodies and storming a castle. Screen grabs of scenes from Army of Darkness are a great place to start!


Just get going! We’ve got prizes that keep getting better. LOOK!

1st Place—A signed print of Fauna Shaman by Steve Prescott and a brand new Hipsters of the Coast t-shirt, a Grand Prix Calgary Playmat, a three packs of Modern Masters (a draft set) from MNM!

2nd Place—Judge Promo Command Tower, and two packs of RTR!

3rd Place—A Huntmaster of the Fells, used by a real life Hipsters writer in a sanctioned event, and a pack of RTR!

(Prizes will increase as we get more prize donations and as we get more applicants!!!)

So get a move on! Email your submissions to [email protected] and we’ll get to judging.

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