Last week I wrote about a few of the major issues with Modern and discussed the areas where I believe Wizards needs to make some improvements.  In spite of these issues I truly do love the format but I often get messages from friends and readers telling me that they don’t enjoy Modern.  So this week I am going over three major reasons why I love the format to juxtapose last week’s article.

Epic Experiment

Reason 1: Variety of Decks

There are so many different viable decks that help make up the diverse format that is Modern.  This diversity allows players to achieve a higher level of success when experimenting with decks.  During the last two months 21 different decks have had at least 5 top eights, as opposed to 14 decks for Legacy and 13 for Standard.  While there are some decks that you can expect to always see in top 8 such as twin and affinity, there are always a smattering of different decks that fill out the rest of the list. When I play Legacy I feel extremely limited in what deck I can play if I want to be successful. The ability to choose from such a wide variety of decks depending on my mood is what makes Modern such an enjoyable format for me.

Reason 2: The Lack of Blue

I know I discussed how the lack of control elements is a problem during my last article but it is also something I enjoy about Modern.  I’m not much of a blue player so I enjoy having a format where I can experiment with decks like Jund and Mono-Green Tron that could never be top tier in Legacy.  While I stand by my assessment that it is important that Wizards try to help make counter magic stronger in Modern I won’t pretend that I’m not enjoying myself in the meantime.  It’s nice having a format where there are non-blue decks that consistently do well, which brings me to my last point.

Reason 3: Quickly Evolving

I’m someone who gets bored easily but I adore that what decks do well in Modern is constantly changing.  Not only is there a large variety of top decks but they are often rotating in and out of the top 8. Modern feels so alive and never stale, forcing players to work hard to know the format.  While Twin and Affinity are always a large chuck of the format, top 8s vary immensely from week to week, more than any other format.  In addition, it allows new decks to always be entering the scene which ties back into my first point of why I love modern.

I really do adore Modern, it definitely has some major flaws but overall the meta is very enjoyable.   I know that the decks tend to be expensive and the learning curve can be intimidating but I really believe it is a format that most competitive players would find themselves enjoying.  Standard players will enjoy the higher power level and Legacy players will appreciate the diversity of deck types.  Now that I’ve finished covering my problems with modern and the things that I love about it I’d love to hear why you like or dislike modern.  Comment below or send me a tweet!

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